


We thought-fully offer crafted products designed to nurture children with MINIMAL, PURE, and UNIVERSAL care. Made with natural ingredients, our line prioritizes MINIMALISM, INNOCENCE, and PLANT-BASED SOLUTIONS. Empowering families with tools for healthier living, Labkid 3 products are kind to little ones and the planet, helping shape a brighter, MORE intentional …future, for all-kind…

Our Products

Are Coming


At Labkid 3, we’re working tirelessly

to bring you products

that align with our mission

of empowering ALLKIND—

parents, children, and families

with the tools to thrive in

a healthier, more intentional

world. Each product is being

carefully crafted

to embody our core values:




We’re committed to using only natural,kind-to-the-body ingredients that are in harmony with the earth.

We know how important it is for parents to trust the products they use for their children, and we’re excited to offer products

that you can rely on—

products that nourish your

kids and support a brighter,

more sustainable

future for all.

Our products are just around the corner, and we can’t wait to share them with you. Stay tuned for updates, and get ready to experience the pure, intentional beauty of Labkid 3!




Labkid 3 products are rooted in simplicity, offering plant-based, three-ingredient solutions designed for the gentlest care. By focusing on just three carefully chosen, natural ingredients in each product, we ensure purity and effectiveness without unnecessary additives.